Sony® Starvis sensor

Sensor and ISPTechnology Deep Dive

Sony STARVIS vs. Sony Pregius: The ultimate image sensor comparison

Balaji S
Sony STARVIS and Sony Pregius are two of the most powerful camera sensors. In fact, both sensors are cost-effective and outperform older CCD sensors. Now, find out their biggest similarities and differences, their use cases, and e-con Systems’ latest camera solution that is powered by based on the best sensor...
Sensor and ISPTechnology Deep Dive

Sony Exmor vs Sony STARVIS sensors; a detailed comparison

Prabu Kumar
Exmor, Exmor R, STARVIS, and Exmor RS are four highly popular series of Sony sensors in markets like industrial, retail, medical, etc. Get a detailed comparison of these sensors in terms of their structure and architecture....
Our Product InsightsSensor and ISPTechnology Deep Dive

Similarities and differences between Sony STARVIS IMX290, IMX327, and IMX462

Suresh Madhu
The Sony STARVIS series offers image sensors with excellent low light performance. Of the many STARVIS sensors, IMX290, IMX327, and IMX462 are some of the most popular ones. In this blog, unearth the similarities and differences between these three sensors....
Technology Deep Dive

Are you trying to find some colors in absolute darkness?

e-CAM21_CUTX2 is a 2MP ultra-low light 4-lane MIPI CSI-2 camera board that comes with the back-illuminated pixel technology with improved sensitivity. See how this camera can capture images in the visible light and NIR light - even in absolute darkness....