Why eSOMgears? Why not Android AOSP OTA?

One can read 10 different documents on Android OTA from google documents and think Android OTA is real simple to implement. But, the main problem is Simplicity of what Android offers for real product development. When it comes to developing an Android embedded product having a working OTA feature has multiple challenges. Finding answers to questions like where to start, how to securely host, how to manage keys, how to manage devices, how to manage different versions of the product, implementing selective device upgrades, etc., become quite overwhelming.

eSOMgears Android OTA is your one stop solution addressing all these challenges in implementing Andorid OTA for your embedded product. Its well vetted with multiple test runs, checksums, integration tests, trial runs and quality customer support.

As a expert in developing SOM hardware and software platforms, e-consystems has developed eSOMgears for product manufacturers to easily and securely deliver firmware upgrades to their Android devices.

With eSOMgears an Android device can gain extended life in customers hands gaining customer satisfaction. eSOMgears helps in faster and safer delivery of latest AOSP updates from google to Android products.

AOSP OTA simplicity problems

Android AOSP OTA scripts are too nascent to use in a production development, eSOMgears provides a more complete development kit to quickly build reliable OTA packages. eSOMgears OTA Users can reliably build images to test on their desk before uploading them to the eSOMgears cloud.

Device or Cloud – SDK is the way forward

eSOMgears has two SDK’s that are completely portable and language agnostic. One SDK is provided for the end Android device which manufacturers can use to develop their own Android OTA service or standalone OTA app or integrate it as part of their product. The device SDK shields all the complexities of communicating with the Android cloud, complex mechanisms to download and install the packages on an Android device.

Another SDK is for eSOMgears cloud which hosts {REST API} using which manufacturers can completely customize the user experience and develop their own data analytics product.

Download policies

Android AOSP OTA by default does not have an option to set policies on – which devices can receive what type of updates. eSOMgears Android OTA has options to configure devices to receive selective firmware updates.

eSOMgears Android OTA allows devices to be grouped, allows firmware promotions from staging to production this allows operators to confidently manage production images with ease.

Scalability issues

eSOMgears Android OTA is highly scale-able as its makes use of Cloud, more secure, customizable at all ends – device, web, development machine, exclusively built by embedded engineers for embedded Android devices, trusted by leading device manufacturers and reliable.

eSOMgears Android OTA cloud implementation provides basic data analytics with options to build complex rule engines. This is something which does not come with a simple ftp based Android AOSP OTA package hosting service.

Optimized for devices on low internet bandwidth

Android embedded devices with eSOMgears enabled download only patches for firmware upgrades, therefore enhanced download performance in the hands of the users.

eSOMgears Android OTA team can help with boot-loader customization to reliably handle power failures during firmware upgrades.

Dashboard analytics

eSOMgears provides basic dashboard analytics for your – products, firmware versions and devices. A product manufacturer can use dashboard analytics as-is or completely revamp analytics for his needs using highly flexible REST interfaces hosted by eSOMgears. eSOMgears team can also help a device manufacturer to build complex dashboard analytics on demand.

With eSOMgears Software as a Service (SaaS) cloud offering a device manufacture will get a head-start in focusing on his main product development without worrying a dime on bringing up a robust and secure OTA solution in-house. A device manufacturer can also save costs by not building and maintaing an in-house team expertise to study and develop a OTA solution for his end product. A device manufacturer in most cases is also shielded from getting nervous about migrating to newer OTA platforms as eSOMgears team always stays in the front-line and helps customers in migrating to robust cutting edge OTA technologies.