
Resolution Switching in DirectShow Camera Application

DirectShow sample camera test application source code resides in the ($(WINCEROOT)\PRIVATE\TEST\MULTIMEDIA\DIRECTX\DSHOW\CAMERA) directory of the WINCE 6.0 installation. The CameraFramework source present on the private code supports functions which can be used to develop full functional directshow camera application. Many of them were asking about the how to switch between the...
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OMAP Camera e-CAM32_OMAP_GSTIX at Work

Recently, e-con Systems™ announced its brand new e-CAM32_OMAP_GSTIX camera board and its support for Gumstix Overo series of computer on modules. In the above video you can see how e-CAM32_OMAP_GSTIX Camera board is interfaced with Gumstix Overo Module mounted on Gumstix-Palo43 Expansion Board. This Video also gives a short demo...
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OMAP 35x Camera ISP

Recently, we had some queries on how to program the OMAP 35x ISP in Windows CE for a sensor that doesn’t have the ISP inside it. As we know that when there is an ISP inside the camera, we should not use the OMAP 35x’s ISP features and just use...
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OMAP 35x camera

Texas instruments has recently announced the OMAP 35x processor series which has taken the market by storm. Many customers are getting interested in it because it supports The latest ARM Cortex A8 Superscalar core. Supports 2D graphics acceleration using PowerVR SGX OpenGL ES 2.0 compliant graphics accelerator. NEON SIMD Engine...
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